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In case you are wondering what the heading I have chosen for today’s article means it is – You Only Live Once.  Don’t worry I also learnt that term very recently from some of our Centonomy clients who are in University.  However YOLO speaks to a concern many of us have about financial planning i.e. saving, investing, spending wisely, working towards future goals etc.  We do only live once after all and we do struggle with the concept of doing all this and then not living to see the fruits of our hard work, attempts to be frugal or sacrifices we made to have that business or portfolio. A few years ago, someone asked me that if they do everything I was telling them to do and then die, what would have been the point. Shouldn’t they have just spent money as they want and lived life to the fullest?  To be honest I did not have an answer then.  I may have responded with something about balance but I was also confused about that question. I don’t even claim to have a straightforward answer to that but since then I have kept asking, observing and trying to process information that may attempt to answer that. So this is what I have come up with so far.  Please do feel free to write to me and give me your answers as well. Maybe collectively we will be able to figure it out. I have learnt that you cannot see working towards your goal as a sacrifice. I figured this out when I realised the cost of buying lunch everyday is equal to a holiday. If you spend three hundred shillings on lunch everyday it will add up to Kshs 108, 000 at the end of the year.  Do the math if you don’t believe me. So for me to go on a holiday all I had to do was carry lunch instead of buying lunch. Doing this was no longer a sacrifice.  It was a step in the right direction, a rung on the ladder, just the same way you have to enter an elevator to get to the 5th floor or enter a bus to go to another town. No one ever labels their journey to another town as a sacrifice so the different choices you may have to make though uncomfortable cannot be that. When we use the word sacrifice, we usually relate it to denying or taking something away from ourselves. Nobody wants that. Look at your goals.  Maybe the problem is you don’t want it that badly or you are doing it unwillingly for other people. The holiday had meaning to me.  Work towards things that have meaning to you.  Things that are more important than the discomfort. In fact it is because YOLO, you really want to do the things that are more important than lunch.  On my deathbed I really won’t regret how many lunches out of the office I missed.


Through this same experience I also learnt that as much as the holiday was great, what I started to experience as a result of doing something different was just as good.  I ate healthier and felt better for sure. I spent time over lunch doing things that were actually constructive rather than idle conversation. I started seeing other areas that I had been wasteful with money and could be put to better use. When I did decide to go for lunch most of the times it was because there was some meaning to it e.g. a good friend I hadn’t caught up with in a while, a mentor, to explore an opportunity or just to give myself a treat that day. When you do it everyday it is no longer a treat. In other words even though my objective is in the future i.e. to go on a holiday, it started changing my everyday life. Even If I hadn’t made it to the holiday, I would have been healthier, wiser, more focused and disciplined as a person, expanded my network etc.  All these things were more important than eating lunch everyday. YOLO so whatever you are working towards in the future should start changing something about the present. Remember even the future will ultimately occur in a place called “NOW”. Sometimes we are doing things that are not only destroying the future but the present like the guilt that comes with continuous impulse shopping. If you are working towards something that has meaning to you something will start to change. This brings us back to the balance equation. There is a high probability that you will live past tomorrow.  Do you want to live well only today or live well sustainably? I don’t want to go on holiday only once, I want to go on holiday regularly hence carrying packed lunch is simply now a habit. Even if I didn’t go on holiday I would still carry lunch. Do want to have an over the top lifestyle just today because you happened to have a decent income or do you want to have a great life that is sustainable? So this process is not about not doing the things you genuinely like, it is about planning to do them consistently. That’s why figuring out what you truly do value is very important and aligning your everyday habits so that you can experience that.


Lastly if there is one thing that seals the debate on YOLO, it’s discovering that it cannot be all about you. Living just for yourself gives you a very small view of life. It is quite difficult to think big when you are only living to please yourself. Everybody has to come to terms with whether they want their life to mean something beyond their consumption.  What legacy do you want to have? What values do you want to impart to the generations that come after you?  So that’s my two cents on YOLO. Do share yours.


  • nicole delcourt says:

    I love your article.
    It explains simply that life is about choices. The good choices the good decisions are the ones we’ll never regret..
    Every day we need to sort out what is good and what is bad for us.
    Our resources , time and energy are limited. Being a good leader or being responsible means to use little resources to the greatest benefits
    .It is all about making the right decisions..
    Most of my decisions have been emotional and the consequences bad.
    I am old now and force myself to be rational and practical.My life is becoming better because of that..
    regards. nicole

    Families, parents , mothers decide to go without all sorts of comforts in to give their children the best possible education. they live with a worthy purpose and a meaning..

  • Agnes K says:

    Very well said!! Its a beautiful article. Makes alot of sense to understand and be convinced about why you are doing sonething differently.

  • Kamau says:

    Responsible financial planning advocates saving, investing, spending wisely, working towards longterm goals. These activities aimed at longterm financial freedom are less pleasurable things to do in the minds of YOLO advocates! It denies them todays impulsive pleasure. But they fail to recognize that at 50+ years, a comfortable family life will depend on how much they saved and invested while young (i.e., how much they saved and invested when they thought YOLO was a cool slogan to live by). However, if they start saving early and outlive their savings, then they will leave the world a better place for their family, dependents, etc.

  • julius says:

    You live only once to improve, impact,leave that indelible mark,legacy and so forth as you are doing waceke purpose-driven God bless you.