Uncategorized August 21, 2015 Why you are not seeing opportunity. I gave a short talk on wealth creation this week to pension fund members of… centonomy Love0
Uncategorized August 21, 2015 Why you are not seeing opportunity. I gave a short talk on wealth creation this week to pension fund members of… centonomy Love0
Uncategorized August 21, 2015 Why you are not seeing opportunity. I gave a short talk on wealth creation this week to pension fund members of… centonomy Love0
Uncategorized August 21, 2015 Why you are not seeing opportunity. I gave a short talk on wealth creation this week to pension fund members of… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNING August 14, 2015 YOLO In case you are wondering what the heading I have chosen for today’s article… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNING August 7, 2015 It’s OK to not afford it Two large and well-known companies announce their financial results. Company A has made profits… centonomy Love0
ENTREPRENEURSHIP July 31, 2015 Let Go and Grow I watched clips of President Obama on social media taking a shot at African… centonomy Love0
ENTREPRENEURSHIP July 28, 2015 What I wish I had known (Video version) Part one & two During our recent Centonomy Entrepreneur Open day, Waceke Nduati shared some of the things she… centonomy Love0
ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuership July 25, 2015 I wish someone had told me As you read this article the Global Entrepreneurship Summit is in progress. Because of… centonomy Love0
INVESTMENT INCOME July 17, 2015 Can everybody be rich? I have been asked this question at very many forums. Can everybody really be rich?… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNING July 14, 2015 Stand Firm Against Performance Pressure My one-year-old son can stand up; he just doesn’t believe he can. Every time we… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNING July 14, 2015 Stand Firm Against Performance Pressure My one-year-old son can stand up; he just doesn’t believe he can. Every time we… centonomy Love0