FINANCIAL PLANNINGINVESTMENTS PLANNINGSAVINGS August 6, 2012 MONEY IS NOT THE ANSWER; WEALTH IS NOT A FEELING I have often been asked whether there is really a point when you know you… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNINGINVESTMENTS PLANNINGSAVINGS July 2, 2012 IT’S NOT WHAT YOU EARN THAT MATTERS You may know how to earn money. You may be in a job with a… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNINGINVESTMENT INCOMESAVINGS April 26, 2012 SIMPLE INTEREST VS REDUCING BALANCE LOANS. Kamau is window shopping for a five year loan. There is a good investment opportunity… centonomy Love0
BUDGETINVESTMENTS PLANNINGSAVINGS March 30, 2012 SAVING FOR EMERGENCIES Fred has a good job he enjoys with a local marketing company. This week, he… centonomy Love0