BlogBUDGETCOVID19ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNING March 20, 2020 Keep People In Jobs! Do I retain my employees? How do I meet payroll? Should I send people on… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETCOVID19ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNINGReviewSAVINGS March 19, 2020 Our Money, Businesses, Jobs – Navigating the COVID19 Environment There is going to be a lot to learn during this season as we navigate… centonomy Love0
BlogENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT GROUPSINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNINGPRODUCTS & SERVICES March 19, 2020 Your Idea Is Not a Business I am always encouraged by the creativity and entrepreneurial enthusiasm of Kenyans. However, zeal alone… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT GROUPSINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNING March 13, 2020 Does Your Business Need A Shift? The very earth we live on doesn’t stay on one point. It’s in our very… centonomy Love1
BlogCentonomy 101Centonomy Career HubDEBTENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGGIVINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNINGMORTGAGEPRODUCTS & SERVICESSAVINGS September 24, 2019 More Money Is Not Wealth Why does it feel like there is never enough money? We have trained workers at… centonomy Love0
BlogIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIES March 14, 2019 The Gift of Solitude We live in a people-driven society. From the day we are born, there were people… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIES March 8, 2019 FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT FOR THE STAY AT HOME MUM Many women who make the decision to raise their family don’t realize they have a… centonomy Love1
BlogBUDGETIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESRETIREMENT PLANNINGReviewSAVINGS February 28, 2019 The Lifestyle Audit Lately, I have been having conversations with people who are thinking about retirement or are… centonomy Love1
BlogCentonomy 101IDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESRADIO January 29, 2019 Raise Your Frequency I once went for a talk titled ‘The Billionaire Mindset’. The speaker mentioned something that… centonomy Love1
BlogENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESRETIREMENT PLANNING January 25, 2019 Should You Quit Being CEO? I am not the CEO of the business I founded ten years ago. Someone else… centonomy Love0
BlogFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESReviewSAVINGS December 14, 2018 ‘Yes’ to your New Year Resolutions means ‘No’ to something else Last week I challenged you to think differently about your new year resolutions. I want… centonomy Love0
IDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESRETIREMENT PLANNINGUncategorized December 7, 2018 Your Most Important New Year Resolution Thinking different is the key resolution to make it this coming year. When I give… centonomy Love0