BlogBUDGETCOVID19ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNING March 20, 2020 Keep People In Jobs! Do I retain my employees? How do I meet payroll? Should I send people on… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETCOVID19ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNINGReviewSAVINGS March 19, 2020 Our Money, Businesses, Jobs – Navigating the COVID19 Environment There is going to be a lot to learn during this season as we navigate… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT GROUPSINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNING March 13, 2020 Does Your Business Need A Shift? The very earth we live on doesn’t stay on one point. It’s in our very… centonomy Love1
BlogBUDGETCentonomy 101Centonomy Career HubCLIENT TESTIMONIALENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipESTATE PLANNINGEventsFINANCIAL PLANNING February 5, 2020 The Money Conversation In my book Making Cents, I share the story of Faith and James who for… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIES March 8, 2019 FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT FOR THE STAY AT HOME MUM Many women who make the decision to raise their family don’t realize they have a… centonomy Love1
BlogBUDGETIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESRETIREMENT PLANNINGReviewSAVINGS February 28, 2019 The Lifestyle Audit Lately, I have been having conversations with people who are thinking about retirement or are… centonomy Love1
BlogBUDGETCentonomy 101DEBTENTREPRENEURSHIPESTATE PLANNINGFINANCIAL PLANNINGINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNINGRETIREMENT PLANNING January 19, 2019 Wealth comes at a cost I once attended a talk given on the “billionaire mindset”. The Guest Speaker, who is… centonomy Love3
BlogBUDGETCentonomy 101FINANCIAL PLANNING November 23, 2018 The 3 Money Mindsets Money is made or lost in the mind. What goes on in your minds will… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETCentonomy 101ESTATE PLANNINGFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENTS PLANNINGRETIREMENT PLANNINGUncategorized November 16, 2018 Staying ahead of your money Planning your money is not a choice. I have worked in a money related industry… centonomy Love1
BlogBUDGETSAVINGS October 25, 2018 Are you really dealing with your money? How long have you been avoiding dealing with your money? I don’t mean everyday stuff… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETFINANCIAL PLANNING September 7, 2018 When it’s tough, stretch your shilling! It’s a good time to revisit the topic of budgeting given the recent increase in… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETCentonomy 101ENTREPRENEURSHIPESTATE PLANNINGFINANCIAL PLANNINGGIVINGINVESTMENTS PLANNINGRETIREMENT PLANNING February 23, 2018 Will more money free you? Many people think more money will give them freedom. For some of us it becomes… centonomy Love0