OTHER TRAININGS WE OFFERPRODUCTS & SERVICES April 11, 2016 Of Teens and Money Are there things you know about money right now that you wish you'd known when… centonomy Love0
BlogFINANCIAL PLANNINGSAVINGS April 8, 2016 How Far will the Multi-millions in your Hands Go? Do you know that you will make between one hundred million to a billion shillings… centonomy Love0
BlogENTREPRENEURSHIP April 6, 2016 5 Keys for the Entrepreneur Pitching to an Investor You're running a business and now feel ready for an investor to come in and… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNING April 1, 2016 Has money taken you hostage Have you become a prisoner to money? We need money, it’s great to plan… centonomy Love0
ENTREPRENEURSHIP March 31, 2016 The Centonomy Entrepreneur Chats: The Transition The Centonomy Entrepreneur Chats: transition from employment to entrepreneurship Venue: National Museums of Kenya Time: 9:00… centonomy Love0
Uncategorized March 29, 2016 Avoiding Money Do you run away from facing your money? Does the thought of dealing with… centonomy Love0
ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuership March 18, 2016 How a business makes money Many people are losing money and wasting time by misunderstanding how a business makes… centonomy Love0
INVESTMENTS PLANNING March 14, 2016 Your teenagers and their money Where do teenagers learn about money? Are you, as a parent or guardian, responsible for… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNING March 14, 2016 The pig versus the cow retirement plan Mwikali is 50 years old and looking forward to retirement. She has been working on… centonomy Love0
INVESTMENTS PLANNING February 19, 2016 Chamas Don’t Work Most people are simply “hoping” that at some point something will happen to make their… centonomy Love0
ENTREPRENEURSHIP February 12, 2016 Business insights from Uber attacks The attack on Uber drivers worldwide was discussed in our entrepreneurship program last week. We… centonomy Love0
FINANCIAL PLANNING February 5, 2016 Is Your Car Driving You To Poverty Your car may be driving you to poverty. The pun here is very intentional. Everybody… centonomy Love0