Uncategorized June 24, 2024 The Crossover Together with 49 other women, I received an award a couple of days ago, nominating… centonomy Love0
Uncategorized July 14, 2022 THE INTROVERTED ENTREPRENUER Busy days overwhelm me. I want to throw up at the sight of a packed… centonomy Love1
Uncategorized April 21, 2020 What is Financial Freedom? Is more money the answer? Right now, with everything that is going on it does… centonomy Love2
COVID19 April 1, 2020 Forget the Old, See the New #COVID19 Forget the Old, See the New #COVID19 Yesterday was a… centonomy Love0
COVID19Uncategorized March 25, 2020 THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS! WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR ME AND/OR MY BUSINESS? Our President (Kenya) has just given an address and update on #COVID19 (25th March 2020).… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETCOVID19ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNING March 20, 2020 Keep People In Jobs! Do I retain my employees? How do I meet payroll? Should I send people on… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETCOVID19ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNINGReviewSAVINGS March 19, 2020 Our Money, Businesses, Jobs – Navigating the COVID19 Environment There is going to be a lot to learn during this season as we navigate… centonomy Love0
BlogENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT GROUPSINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNINGPRODUCTS & SERVICES March 19, 2020 Your Idea Is Not a Business I am always encouraged by the creativity and entrepreneurial enthusiasm of Kenyans. However, zeal alone… centonomy Love0
BlogBUDGETENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuershipFINANCIAL PLANNINGIDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIESINVESTMENT GROUPSINVESTMENT INCOMEINVESTMENTS PLANNING March 13, 2020 Does Your Business Need A Shift? The very earth we live on doesn’t stay on one point. It’s in our very… centonomy Love1
BlogENTREPRENEURSHIPEntreprenuership March 4, 2020 Are You Stealing From Your Business? Are You Stealing From Your Business? You are playing at a significant disadvantage if… centonomy Love0
Blog February 26, 2020 You Can’t Skip the Basics You can’t skip the basics and expect to succeed. You can’t swim if you can’t… centonomy Love1