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Together with 49 other women, I received an award a couple of days ago, nominating me as
one of the top 50 most influential women for 2024. This was a meaningful recognition in
many ways but more so because of what is now going on in our nation. I was particularly
honored that the selection was done by this generation of young people that my jaw has
not stopped dropping for. I am officially a GEN -Z groupie. Dr Audi who is the founder of
Africapitol, which did the selection for these awards started this business because he was
searching for relatable local role models for young people. Little did he know that his
generation are now are our role models as well. I believe we are crossing over to a season
where mentoring will go both ways. I have a lot more to learn from Gen-Z’s than I had given
them credit for. Not least of all, willingness to step out of comfort zones. Well done to
them! So, to all leaders and in whatever capacity be it government, business, church etc.,
invite these voices to the table NOW. Not to tick the box or bring them in after the fact, but
to actually listen to them and be open to them changing how you think. I will! You may have
been the Moses of whatever role you play but it could be time to seek out Joshua to lead
the crossing to the promised land.
At Centonomy for over 15 years we have been teaching people about taking whatever
money they have and creating wealth out of it. Taking their small business and steering it
towards becoming a sustainable business. No need to go into the intricacies of the Finance
Bill and how it affects the people we serve. There are enough people doing that and even AI
can now even assist should one need to understand it. However, as I observe the
sentiments around this bill, I do wonder what the reaction will be when we tell people to
save or invest. To sacrifice some pleasure today for a better tomorrow. To run their
businesses profitably and be compliant. Like we do in our classes to walk across to the
Central Bank and invest in Treasury Bonds. In doing what we do, we have always faced this
struggle during elections, pandemics, economic shifts etc. We stand in front of hundreds of
people every week and give them knowledge but more importantly we show them
possibility that life can be better. We have always managed to do so, but this time it could
be different. The currency used has always been TRUST, which now could either be restored
or broken.
This time people need to see some goodwill coming back. This time there is voice called
Gen-Z leading us and saying we can no longer keep trying to do business as usual. Some of
us may not have known how to call it out as we were raised not to talk back. But now that it
has been called out we can’t bury our heads in the sand. They are not buying into what my
generation accepted. Work harder for the same or even less money in your pocket and
murmur about hard times politely in the background over a coffee. Being a teacher of
money, I must admit there are some things that are just too obvious to ignore. Let’s say
your friend is in deep deep debt. They request to borrow money from you knowing you will
have to make personal sacrifices in order to avail those funds. They intend to start a
business and pay you back with the returns. In the business plan, they present various
proposals for the business but also articulate that they will use part of the borrowed funds
from you, to buy the latest Range Rover. How insulted would you feel? This flaunting did
not start with the current bill. It has been there over time, but we now have a chosen
people who have spoken up. We can’t afford to live beyond our means and we don’t want

our government to do so either because it digs the rabbit hole deeper for all of us and our
children. The unborn ones are already being enslaved. Moses is returning to Egypt.
So, after receiving this award I questioned the word ‘Influence’. What does it mean in this
cross over season. It is wherever you are, in your sphere of influence, doing what you can to
correct the issues around you. It is to stop numbing ourselves from what we believe doesn’t
work for us or others. It is becoming sensitive to what those around you are going through
and helping where you can. It is being conscious of how fair you are, not how important you
are. It is the ability to pool together community to achieve common purpose.
As much as I am a teacher, I now also accept to dust off my books and become a student
once again.
Waceke Nduati is the Founder of Centonomy Ltd and author of Making Cents.